Levelling Up Plan and Private Rented Sector (PRS) - 新鮮出爐政府對關注租務的政策

政府公布”地區升級白皮書”當中包含房東登記册, “合理房屋標準”, 及刪除 Section 21 收樓程序.

想知道新政策會帶來什麼影響嘅房東歡迎 Contact Us 查詢.

The government will announce a plan that for the first time ever, all homes in the Private Rented Sector will have to meet a minimum standard - the Decent Homes Standard. Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions will further be abolished, ending the unfair situation where renters can be kicked out of their homes for no reason. We will consult on introducing a landlords register, and will set out plans for a crackdown on rogue landlords - making sure fines and bans stop repeat offenders leaving renters in terrible conditions.”


Replacement deposit and repossession - 英國做房東要趕走租客係要過五關斬六將都未必成功

租屋要交按金合情合理. 近年英國流行以類似保險形式嘅 Zero Deposit 去代替交按金. BAOJOE 認為 Zero Deposit 有太多不足之處 (有機會再出另一個 post 詳談), 所以從來冇建議我哋嘅租客或房東考慮 Zero Deposit (even though Zero Deposit 會比介紹費比BAOJOE). 依家有一個接受 replacement deposit 嘅房東出事. 申請收樓時法官因為唔排取 replacement deposit 係 “禁制收費” 之一而決定延期再審. 苦主房東又要等排期聆訊 (因疫情排期時間更長). 如已接受 Zero Deposit 嘅房東要留意法官最終嘅判決. 英國法例始終係偏頗租客. 唔好大安旨意以為 “this is an odd decision by a judge”. BAOJOE 咁多年見到不少 odd decisions 要 3 至 5年時間先有機會推返. BAOJOE 建議房東唔好接受 replacement deposit product.


Landlord fined for renting out house without smoke alarms - 英國法例偏頗租客, 房東或agent要跟足守則保障自己

英國有大概有 140條關於租務嘅法例! BAOJOE 管理物業多年我哋處理租務事項仍然步步為營. 好多時聽到業主話英國租務好容易. 最大原因係因為好多租客唔了解自己嘅權益. 但近年有好多租客成立嘅組織去為租客爭取公道. Council 亦比以往較積極去執行保障租客嘅法例. 想保障自己應花時間留意租務法例.


Landlord's nightmare over fly and rat infested home - 房東要留意唔係租比 council 就一帆風順

租比 council 或收取救濟金嘅租客係一個較大風險物業投資策略, 所以租金回報亦較高 (8-12%)先可以吸引房東去冒險.但真係要小心得不償失. 以下係一個典型例子:
